Upcoming KAPA ZOOM CE event
Should I Take This Case?
The Ethics of Referrals
Julie Gallagher, Psy.D. ABPP
Clinical and Forensic Psychologist
Independent Practice
Nashville, TN
The Tennessee Board of Examiners of Psychology often receives complaints that could have been avoided with better awareness of the boundaries of the psychologist’s expertise or of the risk of multiple relationships. We will explore a number of these scenarios with reference to the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principals of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. We will discuss how to address these issues as therapists, evaluators, and supervisors, with special attention to the intersection of cultural issues on decision-making regarding referrals. We will also discuss the “bias blindspot” and why awareness of unconscious bias is inadequate to mitigate it.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:
- Assess whether to take on or continuing working with a patient or evaluee.
- Describe what action to take if they suspect they lack the right tools to treat or evaluate a patient.
- Define the bias blindspot and consider how it might affect your practice.
- Define cultural humility and how to incorporate it into your practice.
Target Audience:
This program is open to all KAPA members and other interested mental health professionals who are not members. The content of this presentation is appropriate for mental health professionals educated at the graduate level in psychology, psychiatry, or other mental health related disciplines, as well as graduate students in a mental health related discipline.
Instructional Level:
The material will be appropriate to intermediate levels of practice and knowledge.
Continuing Education:
This program - when attended in its entirety - is available for 1.5 Type I continuing education credits. With full attendance and completion of a Program Evaluation and Learning Assessment, a certificate will be issued. Partial credit will not be awarded. Participant's attendance will be verified via their Zoom login name and sign in/sign off time. Please assure that you are identifiable by your Zoom login name.
American Psychological Association Approval Statement:
The Knoxville Area Psychological Association (KAPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for Psychologists. KAPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
There is no commercial support for this program, nor are there any relationships between the CE Sponsor, presenting organization, program content, research, grants, or other funding sources that could reasonably be construed as conflicts of interest. During the program, the validity/utility of the content and risk/limitations of there approaches discussed will be addressed.
Registration Fees and Policies:
If you are a member of KAPA, then this program is free of charge. If you are not a member of KAPA and you do not want CE credit, then this program is free of charge. Non-members wanting CE credits will be charged $20.
Speaker Information:
Julie Gallagher, Psy.D. ABPP is a board-certified forensic psychologist in independent practice in Nashville, Tennessee. Prior to moving to the Nashville area in 2012, Dr. Gallagher was the training director for the University of Washington’s forensic psychology fellowship program, as well as Director of Forensic Services at Child Study & Treatment Center, the state psychiatric hospital for children in Washington State. In that capacity, she ran the forensic evaluation program that served the entire state of Washington, performing forensic assessments, training students and other evaluators, and testifying as an expert witness in juvenile courts throughout the state.
Dr. Gallagher serves as a consultant to the Tennessee Board of Examiners of Psychology and serves on the Ethics Committee of the Tennessee Psychological Association. She is the past president of the American Academy of Forensic Psychology and is a member of the examination faculty of the American Board of Forensic Psychology. She was recently elected to the board of directors of the American Board of Forensic Psychology and will begin her term in January. She is also an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at Vanderbilt University.