Upcoming KAPA ZOOM CE event
Cultural Insights: Mental Health and the Latinx population
Yolanda Rodriguez, PhD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
James H. Quillen VA Medical Center
The Latinx population is the largest culturally diverse group in the United States per the 2020 census. Its numbers have quadrupled over the last four decades and it is estimated that approximately 62 million Americans - 19% of the US population- identifies as Latinx or Hispanic. As such, it is vital for mental health providers to have the tools to provide culturally sensitive services to members of this population. This training will identify unique challenges faced by this population, address common assumptions and misconceptions, and provide clinical tools to infuse cultural sensitivity into evidence-based treatments. Providers will also have an opportunity to learn about common biases and how to use introspection to guide cultural conceptualization of symptoms and diagnoses.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:
- Explain psychocultural and sociopolitical barriers experienced by Latinx populations
- Assess impact of zeitgeist on understanding of psychological symptomatology among Latinx individuals
- Consider the special circumstances in providing psychotherapy to Latinx individuals and their families
- Apply clinical tools to infuse cultural sensitivity into evidence-based treatments
Target Audience:
This program is open to all KAPA members and other interested mental health professionals who are not members. The content of this presentation is appropriate for mental health professionals educated at the graduate level in psychology, psychiatry, or other mental health related disciplines, as well as graduate students in a mental health related discipline.
Instructional Level:
The material will be appropriate to intermediate levels of practice and knowledge.
Continuing Education:
This program - when attended in its entirety - is available for 1.5 Type I continuing education credits. With full attendance and completion of a Program Evaluation and Learning Assessment, a certificate will be issued. Partial credit will not be awarded. Participant's attendance will be verified via their Zoom login name and sign in/sign off time. Please assure that you are identifiable by your Zoom login name.
American Psychological Association Approval Statement:
The Knoxville Area Psychological Association (KAPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for Psychologists. KAPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
There is no commercial support for this program, nor are there any relationships between the CE Sponsor, presenting organization, program content, research, grants, or other funding sources that could reasonably be construed as conflicts of interest. During the program, the validity/utility of the content and risk/limitations of there approaches discussed will be addressed.
Registration Fees and Policies:
If you are a member of KAPA, then this program is free of charge. If you are not a member of KAPA and you do not want CE credit, then this program is free of charge. Non-members wanting CE credits will be charged $20.
Speaker Information:
Dr. Rodriguez is a licensed clinical psychologist for the James H. Quillen VA Medical Center. She received her doctoral degree from the University of Mississippi and completed her postdoctoral training at Cherokee Health Systems. Dr. Rodriguez has worked in community clinics, non-profit healthcare centers, and federally qualified healthcare centers in Texas, Mississippi, and Tennessee. She has also actively participated in community projects to promote health equity and access to mental health services among Latinx and refugee populations. Dr. Rodriguez currently specializes in providing culturally sensitive psychotherapy and assessment services to Veterans in English and Spanish. Dr. Rodriguez also serves as a trainer for local Latinx organizations and recently graduated from the National Latino Behavioral Health Association Leadership academy.